Noticing…How to Calm Down

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is life moving too fast? Sometimes all we need is a few minutes to create a little space for ourselves. Improve your sleep, attitude and productivity with this quick exercise that changes your perspective and helps you to calm down.

Sit quietly in a place that you consider to be comfortable and soothing. Take a few deep breaths. See if you can sit, just for now, in this moment. There’s no need to look for answers. Just sit and look around you, without trying to interpret what anything means. You may imagine looking through the eyes of an infant. Try to let go of all understanding. Live right here, just for now. And notice.

If you hear a sound, feel something or see something, notice it. Notice how your mind wants to describe it or interpret it. Notice, also, that you can watch your mind doing this. Watch your thoughts wander. Be very alert in your watching, so you don’t wander with them!

Now take your attention inside your body and notice any sensations there. Notice your thoughts about that. Since you’re watching them, you may start to feel that your thoughts are separate from you. Maybe you don’t need to take them so seriously. They’re just thoughts. Stay here and watch. Just for now. If you get pulled into wandering with them, gently come back to watching. This is like a game – you’re watching your thoughts and realizing they are just thoughts. See how they jump from one idea to the next! Notice how they want to pull you away from this moment! Notice. You might say out loud, “They’re just thoughts.” Take a few deep breaths… Do this several times a day and see how it feels. For recorded guided meditations, go to my store .

Have you found other healthful ways to calm down? Share your ideas in a comment below!